Cut the costs of alcohol this Alcohol Awareness Week

Alcohol has many costs, both financially and personally. One of the more obvious costs of alcohol is to our health and the damage it can cause to our bodies. Alcohol can have a detrimental effect on many parts of our bodies, from our brain, to our hearts and even to the cells within our bodies, which can cause various types of cancers.

Financially, alcohol can also slowly become a huge burden. Did you know, the average UK drinker will spend around £62,899* on alcohol within their lifetime? That’s enough to buy you a brand new car!

Most people don’t realise how dangerous alcohol can be. What may be a couple drinks at the end of every night, could result in serious health problems later in life. Whilst alcohol is a danger to our health, it can also become a danger to other aspects of our personal lives, such as personal relationships and our mental wellbeing. As drinking consumes a lot of time, the family and friends around you end up paying the cost as relationships are broken down.

For more information about how you can get support to cut your alcohol costs and make a change to your lifestyle, please visit here:


Being in hospital has made me more self-aware and health conscious; it has got me thinking more about my health and making better long term choices, so I have given up smoking.
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