How you can stay fit at home for free

No gym membership? No problem. Home workouts can be just as effective as the gym to reach your health goals. Break a sweat with some of our top tips to getting the most out of your home workouts.

Find a designated space in your home to workout in

It doesn’t have to be a big space, as long as you and your yoga mat fit then you’re on the right track! Having a designated area for your workouts (and to keep any of your workout gear in) will help you to stay consistent.

Use your bodyweight

You don’t need to rush out and buy equipment immediately. Bodyweight-only workouts are still a great way to move your body, build muscle and most importantly – get those feel-good endorphins flowing. If you do want to make your area feel more gym-like, investing in a yoga mat is a great start to give you some cushioning for your workouts.

Boost your workout with resistance bands

Once you’ve established your exercise routine, you may want to consider adding in some basic equipment to give your workouts some extra oomph. Resistance bands are a great starting point as they work for a variety of different movements, won’t break the bank and are small and compact so they don’t take up a lot of space.

Open up YouTube

YouTube is home to hundreds of thousands of workout videos and fitness ‘YouTubers.’ Scour the platform for an exercise that works for you and follow along. You may find that following along to a YouTube video will help you to stay motivated as it’s similar to working out with a buddy or your very own personal trainer.

Stay hydrated

How many of us can really say we’re getting the recommended 2 litres of water per day? Keeping on top of your water intake is especially important after exercising, and you may find that this can sometimes slip your mind when you’re at home. Always have a big glass or bottle of water next to you that you can sip on throughout your workout breaks.

Get rid of distractions

Now this may be easier said than done, especially if you live in a busy household. If you can, try to eliminate any distractions that may break your focus from your workout. This may mean turning your phone off or putting it on ‘Do Not Disturb’, or telling your family to not bother you for 20 minutes for an interruption-free workout.

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