So many people, including myself have been inspired to reduce their plastics after watching David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet’. The extent of problem can feel overwhelming at times but the global campaign, ‘Plastic Free July’, provides some fantastic resources and tips on how you can do you bit, from pledging to carry a re-useable coffee cup,
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Are you drinking enough water?
Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far, and whilst we may have drunk more than normal, I bet very few of us drank enough – the recommended daily intake of 3 litres per day. As gorgeous as the warm weather is, it can pose health risks, including heatstroke and sun burn, but
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The Mental Health Benefits of Volunteering – Volunteer’s Week 1- 7th June
Many of us volunteer, although not all of us recognise what we do as ‘volunteering’. Volunteering comes in many forms. We recognise volunteering as running a local scout’s group or football team or working in a local charity shop but don’t necessarily recognise helping at a school or doing a neighbours shopping as volunteering –
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How mindfulness practice can promote wellness
Mindfulness can be described as maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. It is an innate quality of being human, that unfortunately, can get side-tracked and unlearnt by our busy demanding lifestyles. Mindfulness training has been developed by scientists and psychologists, drawing on an
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Working to create an inclusive World Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2021
Everyone Health is today marking Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2021. According to the World Health Organisation, (WHO) World Report on Disability, 15% of the global population, or more than 1 billion people, are living with a disability. Of this number, it’s estimated 450 million are living with a mental or neurological condition. It is therefore
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To hug or not to hug – that is the question.
Today marks the next step on the road back to normal, or as near normal as possible. We can meet 6 friends or two households inside, eat indoors at restaurants and visit cinemas amongst other things. Today also marks the day we are officially allowed to share a hug. In my family a hug accompanies
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The Health benefits of laughter: World Laughter Day – 2nd May 2021
Do you snigger, snort, titter, or guffaw? There really isn’t a better feeling than laughing. Sometimes it’s completely involuntary and weirdly contagious, when one person starts laughing it slowly moves around a group, with all eventually joining in, even if they don’t know why they are laughing. Sunday 2nd May marks World Laughter Day, and
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6 Top tips for enjoying a Healthy Easter
After what has been a really tough year, Easter celebrations this year may see us overindulge; food, drink and more chocolate and sweets than you care to imagine! When we have had little to celebrate and enjoy, those tasty treats that we associate with this time of year – chocolates eggs, hot cross buns. May
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