Turn Ash Into Cash

Smoking is not only bad for your health; it is an expensive habit to have.

You may well be surprised how much your habit is costing you.
A packet of 20 cigarettes costs £12.78, so an average smoker, smoking 10 cigarettes a day will save a whopping £197 a month. That’s more than £2367. 00 a year going up in smoke.

Think what else you could spend this extra money on; redecorate your house, a deposit on a new car or even a luxury long haul holiday. And remember this isn’t a one-off saving, if you quit smoking for good in just five years you will have saved almost £12,000.

Fed up of burning your money?
Then give us a call now on 0333 005 0095, our specialist stop smoking practitioners will support you to quit once and for all.

Find out how much money you could save today.

Check out the NHS cost calculator.

Being in hospital has made me more self-aware and health conscious; it has got me thinking more about my health and making better long term choices, so I have given up smoking.
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