Do you comfort eat?

This month is stress awareness month and a common way to help relieve stress is to eat. Sometimes called comfort eating or emotional eating it’s something we are all guilty of at times. Every Hollywood movie ever sees our heroine reaching for a bucket of ice cream the moment she faces a stressful situation. What

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Ramadan Mubarak 

The 22nd March sees the start of Ramadan, a time when Muslims across the globe will remember the month the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.   Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims will fast, won’t eat or drink, during the hours of daylight and most will try give up

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Top Tips for a fun and inexpensive Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, celebrated annually on the February 14 started out as a Christian feast day celebrating Saint Valentine. Over time it has become a commercial celebration across the globe of romance and love and will see flowers and chocolates given and romantic meals enjoyed. But if you are watching the pounds – both your weight

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It has been one to one and Nikki has made me feel at ease. I have not smoked for 3 months
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