Which form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is best for you?

With Stoptober just under a month away, many of us will have quitting smoking for the 28-day challenge on our minds. Typically when people quit smoking, they will use stop smoking treatments (NRT) to help curb those pesky cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms. If you’ve not had much success with quitting before (did you know

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Tips to reduce food waste

Now more than ever, it is important that we reduce the amount of food waste we produce. See if you can incorporate any of the following tips below to help you reduce food waste and save yourself some pennies! Fruit and Vegetables Often the food product with a shorter shelf life, but there is so

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Everyone Health are an Endometriosis Friendly Employer

In recent years, awareness has grown about endometriosis as women have started to speak out about the debilitating condition and the significant impact it has on their day-to-day life, including at work. Everyone Health is proud to announce that we have now joined Endometriosis UK’s Endometriosis Friendly Employer scheme. With 1 in 10 women suffering

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South Asian Heritage Month

South Asian Heritage Month has been held for the last 3 years from the 18th July to the 17th August. It is used to celebrate the cultures and communities that make up South Asia and learn more about the diverse history of those from South Asian Heritage. South Asia is rich in the amount of

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It has been one to one and Nikki has made me feel at ease. I have not smoked for 3 months
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